This list of Cornell University alumni includes notable graduates, non-graduate alumni, and current students of Cornell University, all of whom are listed below. As of August 2008, Cornell had 245,027 living alumni. Its alumni include 25 recipients of the National Medal of Science and National Medal of Technology and Innovation combined, 38 MacArthur Fellows, 34 Marshall Scholars, and 31 Rhodes Scholars, 249 elected members of the National Academy of Sciences, 201 elected members of the National Academy of Engineering, more than 190 professors of higher education institutions in the United States and around the world, and Cornell is the only university in the world to have three female Nobel Prize winners (Pearl S. Buck, Barbara McClintock, and Toni Morrison) among its graduates.
Many alumni remain connected to the university through the Homecoming reunion weekend, Cornell Magazine, and the Cornell Club of New York. In 2005, Cornell ranked third in the nation for gifts and bequests from alumni. Alumni are known as Cornellians, many of whom are noted for their accomplishments in public, professional, and corporate life.

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List of Cornell University Alumni
- Zvi Galil – president of Tel Aviv University
- Charnvit Kasetsiri (Ph.D. 1972) – historian and former president of Thammasat University
- Wendy Raymond (B.A. 1982) – President, Haverford College
Anthropology and sociology
- Carol Aneshensel (B.S., M.A., Ph.D.) – sociologist; professor and vice chair for the Department of Community Health Sciences in the School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles
- Sarah T. Barrows (M.A. 1893) – American phonetician, phonetics pioneer
- Alfred Blumstein (B.A., Ph.D.) – criminologist and former dean of the Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University; member of the National Academy of Engineering (1998)
- Aaron Cicourel (Ph.D.) – professor emeritus of sociology at the University of California, San Diego; fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1992) and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1982)
- Kimberlé Crenshaw (B.A. 1981): founder of critical race theory
- Harry Edwards (Ph.D. 1970) – sociologist noted for work on race and sports, Professor Emeritus at University of California, Berkeley
- Shelly Errington (M.A., Ph.D.) – cultural anthropologist and a professor of anthropology at the University of California, Santa Cruz; MacArthur Fellow (1981)
- Diana E. Forsythe (Ph.D. 1974) – anthropologist at the University of California, San Francisco noted for her work on artificial intelligence and medical informatics
- Daniel A. Foss (B.A.) – sociologist, author of Beyond Revolution: A New Theory of Social Movements (1986), Freak Culture: Life Style and Politics (1972)
- Ward Goodenough (B.A. 1940) – anthropologist at the University of Pennsylvania; member of the National Academy of Sciences (1971), fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1975)
- Sabine Hyland (B.A. 1986) – anthropologist; Professor of World Christianity at the University of St Andrews known for her studies on khipus and religion in Peru; Guggenheim Fellow (2019)
- Suzanne Maman – social scientist and HIV/AIDS researcher
- Erik Mueggler (B.A.) – anthropologist; professor at the University of Michigan; MacArthur Fellow (2002)
- Mary Racelis (B.A. 1954) – anthropologist; sociologist; professor at Ateneo de Manila University and University of the Philippines Diliman; UNICEF Regional Director in Eastern and Southern Africa (1983–1992)
- David M. Schneider (B.S. 1940, M.S. 1941) – cultural anthropologist known for his studies of kinship; former William B. Ogden Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in Anthropology, and chairman of Anthropology (1963–1966) at the University of Chicago
- G. William Skinner (B.A. 1947, Ph.D. 1954) – anthropologist and sinologist best known for his delineation of the physiographic macroregions of China; member of the National Academy of Sciences (1980)
- Julian Steward (B.A. 1925 zoology and biology) – anthropologist best known for his development of a scientific theory of cultural evolution; member of the National Academy of Sciences (1954)
- Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah (Ph.D. 1954) – social anthropologist and Esther and Sidney Rabb Professor (Emeritus) of Anthropology at Harvard University; recipient of Balzan Prize (1997) and Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize (1998); member of the National Academy of Sciences (1994)
- Mildred Bertha Thurow Tate (Ph.D. 1935) rural sociologist
- Brackette Williams (B.S. 1973) – anthropologist; MacArthur Fellow (1997)
- Economics
- Alice Amsden (B.A. 1965) – Barton L. Weller Professor of Political Economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1999–2012)
- Luc Anselin (M.A. 1979, Ph.D. 1980) – one of the principal developers of the field of spatial econometrics; member of the National Academy of Sciences (2008) and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2011)
- Hugh E. Conway – labor economist, college professor, and construction industry expert
- Maureen L. Cropper (M.A. 1972, Ph.D. 1973 economics) – distinguished university professor at the University of Maryland, College Park;[14][15] member of the National Academy of Sciences (2008)
- Frank Fetter (M.A. 1892 philosophy) – economist who served as president of the American Economic Association (1912–1913); member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Austin Frakt (B.S. 1994) – health care economist; founder of The Incidental Economist
- Robert Gilpin (M.S. 1954) – a scholar of international political economy, professor emeritus of Politics and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Claudia Goldin (B.A. magna cum laude 1968) – economist; member of the National Academy of Sciences (2006)
- Sanjeev Goyal (M.A. 1989, Ph.D. 1990 economics) – professor of economics, University of Cambridge and a fellow of the British Academy
- Charles Henry Hull (1886) – economist and historian; former dean of the College of Arts of Cornell University[16][17]
- Paul L. Joskow (B.A. 1968) – economist, distinguished fellow of the American Economic Association, fellow of the Econometric Society and Industrial Organization Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics, emeritus at MIT, past department chair of MIT Department of Economis
- Benedict Anderson (Ph.D. 1967) – Aaron L. Binenkorb Professor Emeritus of International Studies, Government & Asian Studies at Cornell University; best known for his book Imagined Communities
- Gordon G. Chang (B.A. 1973, J.D. 1976) – author of The Coming Collapse of China and Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes On the World; one of the original set of Student Trustees
- George Friedman (Ph.D. 1976) – director of the political analysis and forecasting think tank Stratfor; author of The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century (2009)
- Everett Carll Ladd (Ph.D.) – political scientist; director of the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at the University of Connecticut
- John Mearsheimer (Ph.D. 1980) – international relations theorist and professor of political science at University of Chicago;
- Ruth McVey (Ph.D. 1961) – co-author, Cornell Paper
- Suzanne Mettler (Ph.D. 1994) – political scientist and author
- Lee Poh Ping (Ph.D. 1974) – political scientist at the University of Malaya; prominent contributor to the field of international relations and Japanese studies in Malaysia
- William Schonfeld (B.A. 1963) – political scientist, author, researcher, educator and university administrator
- Stephen Skowronek (Ph.D. 1979) – Pelatiah Perit Professor of political and social science at Yale
- William Irwin Thompson (Ph.D. 1966; professor) – cultural historian, social critic, poet, philosopher of science
- Wang Shaoguang (Ph.D. 1990) – political scientist and leading member of the Chinese New Left; professor at Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Glenn C. Altschuler (Ph.D. 1976) – Thomas and Dorothy Litwin Professor of American Studies and vice president for University Relations at Cornell University
- Barbara Watson Andaya (Ph.D. 1975) – professor of Asian studies at the University of Hawaii and director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies
- Leonard Andaya (Ph.D. 1972) – professor of Southeast Asian history at the University of Hawaii
- John L. Brooke (B.A. 1975) – Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor of History at Ohio State University; recipient of Bancroft Prize (1995)
- Edward Countryman (M.A. 1969, Ph.D. 1971) – historian and educator; recipient of Bancroft Prize (1982)
- Nancy F. Cott (B.A. 1967) – historian, Sterling Professor of History and American Studies at Yale University and Jonathan Trumbull Professor of American History at Harvard University; member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Charlotte J. Erickson (M.A. 1947, Ph.D. 1951) – Paul Mellon Professor of American History at the University of Cambridge (1983–1990); MacArthur Fellow (1990) and Guggenheim Fellow (1966–1967)
- Louis R. Gottschalk (A.B. 1919, A.M. 1920, Ph.D. 1921) – professor of history (1927–1965), department chair (1937–1942), Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor of History (1959–1965) at the University of Chicago
- Henry Guerlac (B.A. 1932 chemistry, M.A. 1933 biochemistry) – historian of science considered among the pioneers in the development of the academic field of the history of science; president of the History of Science Society (1957–1960), recipient of the George Sarton Medal (1973)
- Marie Boas Hall (Ph.D. 1949) – historian of science; fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1955) and of the British Academy (1994), recipient of the George Sarton Medal (1981)
- Dominick LaCapra (B.A., Faculty 1969–) – Bryce and Edith M. Bowmar Professor of Humanistic Studies at Cornell University; member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2006)
- Frederic C. Lane (B.A. 1921) – historian in Medieval history, professor emeritus of history at Johns Hopkins University; president of the American Historical Association (1964–1965); fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the Medieval Academy of America
- Melvyn P. Leffler (B.S. 1966) – Edward Stettinius Professor and former chairman of the Department of History, dean of the college and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Virginia; recipient of the George Louis Beer Prize (2008) and Bancroft Prize (1993)
- William Leuchtenburg (B.A. 1943) – historian, William Rand Kenan Jr. professor emeritus of history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; recipient of Bancroft Prize and North Carolina Award for Literature
- William McNeill (Ph.D. 1947) – professor emeritus of History at the University of Chicago; author of The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community; recipient of the National Humanities Medal (2010)
- Anthony Milner (Ph.D.) – Basham Professor of Asian History, School of Culture, History & Language, Australian National University
- David Oshinsky (B.S. 1965, M.S. 1967) – historian, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for History in 2006 for his book Polio: An American Story, Jack S. Blanton Sr. Chair Emeritus in History at The University of Texas at Austin, Distinguished Scholar in Residence, New York University
- Milton Osborne (Ph.D.) – Australian historian, author, and consultant specializing in Southeast Asia
- Laura Otis (Ph.D. 1991 comparative literature) – historian of science and Professor of English at Emory University; MacArthur Fellow (2000)
- Richard Pipes (graduate of 1945) – historian in Russian history; fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; recipient of National Humanities Medal (2007)
- Merle Calvin Ricklefs (Ph.D.) – scholar of the history and current affairs of Indonesia
- Clinton Rossiter (1939; professor 1947–1970) – historian and political scientist; recipient of the Bancroft Prize (1954) and the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award (1953)
- James Morton Smith (Ph.D. 1951) – historian; recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship (1960); director of the Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library (1976–1984)
- Kazys Varnelis (M.A. 1990, Ph.D. 1994) – historian and theorist of architecture, specializing in network culture
- Olin Dunbar Wheeler (1874) – historian, author, topographer, wrote especially about the Lewis and Clark Expedition
- David K. Wyatt (Ph.D. 1966) – John Stambaugh Professor of History and Asian Studies, emeritus, Cornell University
- Mary E. Young (Ph.D. 1955) – Professor Emerita at the University of Rochester.

- Marilyn McCord Adams (Ph.D. 1967) – philosopher; Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (2015)
- Francis Fukuyama (B.A.) – philosopher, political economist, and professor at Johns Hopkins University
- Edmund Gettier – philosopher and professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Amherst; owes his reputation to a single three-page paper published in 1963 called “Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?”
- Matthew Kramer (B.A. 1981, philosophy) – philosopher, professor of Legal and Political Philosophy at the University of Cambridge; Fellow of the British Academy (2014); Guggenheim Fellow (2001–2002)
- John Warwick Montgomery (A.B. 1952) – lawyer, professor, theologian, and academic known for his work in the field of Christian apologetics[19]
- Thomas Nagel (B.A. 1958) – philosopher, author of What is it like to be a bat? and Balzan Prize recipient (2008)
- Dominik Perler (visiting scholar 1991–1992) – professor of philosophy at the Humboldt University of Berlin; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize recipient (2005)
- John Perry (Ph.D. 1968) – Henry Waldgrave Stuart Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Stanford University and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at the University of California, Riverside; Jean Nicod Prize laureate (1999); member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2002) and of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
- David H. Sanford (Ph.D. 1966) – professor of philosophy at Duke University
- J. B. Schneewind (B.A.) – professor emeritus of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University, former dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh and former provost of Hunter College CUNY; fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Samuel Weber (Ph.D. 1960) – Avalon Foundation Professor of Humanities at Northwestern University; professor at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland
- Jessica Wilson (Ph.D. 2001) – professor of philosophy at the University of Toronto
- Paul Ziff (B.F.A. 1949, Ph.D. 1951) – artist and philosopher specializing in semantics and aesthetics.
Architecture and design
- Frederick L. Ackerman (BArch 1901) – architect and urban planner
- Raymond F. Almirall (1891) – architect of the Beaux-Arts period, practicing in New York City
- Edmund Bacon (BArch 1932) – urban planner, reshaped Philadelphia, 1949–1970
- Pietro Belluschi (Civil engineering grad) – architect, leader of Modernist architecture; dean of the architecture and planning school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1951–1965); Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Institute of Architects; member of the National Academy of Design; recipient of AIA Gold Medal (1972), National Medal of Arts (1991)
- Morris Fuller Benton (engineering, 1896) – engineer and typeface designer
- Albert Cassell (BArch 1919) – designed buildings for Howard University, Morgan State University, and Virginia Union University
- Vishaan Chakrabarti (B.S. Operations Research & Industrial Engineering and B.A. History of Art 1988)— architect and dean of UC Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design
- Peter H. Christensen – architectural historian
- Gilmore David Clarke (B.S. 1913 landscape architecture and civil engineering) – designed the Central Park Zoo and the Unisphere
- David Colleen – architect
- Kimberly Dowdell (BArch 2006, trustee) – architect, real estate developer & educator; 100th president of the American Institute of Architects and first Black woman to serve in the role
- Peter Eisenman (BArch 1955) – a foremost practitioner of deconstructivism in American architecture; Wolf Prize in Arts
- Frederick Earl Emmons (1907–1999), architect[20]
- Earl Flansburgh (BArch 1954, trustee), Cambridge, Massachusetts-based architect and designer of the Cornell Campus Store
- Ruth Reynolds Freeman (BArch 1936), architect; first female licensed architect in the state of Vermont.[21][22]
- Kathryn Gleason (BS Landscape architecture, 1979) — Cornell University landscape architect and archaeologist
- Edward Brodhead Green (1878) Buffalo-based architect
- Lawrence Halprin (B.A.) – landscape architect, designer, and teacher; recipient of National Medal of Arts (2002)
- Margaret Hicks (BArch 1880) – first female architectural school graduate at Cornell
- Douglas Honnold (1901–1974) – architect[23]
- Emmett J. Hull (1906) – architect[24]
- William B. Ittner (1887) – St. Louis-based architect and designer of school buildings[25]
- Lee S. Jablin (BArch 1971) – founding partner of Harman Jablin Architects
- Robert Trent Jones (1931) – designer of about 500 golf courses
- Henri Jova (1949) – noted Atlanta architect, key figure in redevelopment of Midtown Atlanta[26]
- Raymond M. Kennedy (BArch 1915, MArch 1916) – designed Grauman’s Chinese Theatre[27]
- Rem Koolhaas (MArch) – Dutch architect, journalist, and screenwriter, Pritzker Architecture Prize winner
- David Macpherson (civil engineering) – city planner for San Antonio, Texas; designed the Santa Fe Railroad
- Khaled Malas (MArch) – architect and art historian
- Tomás Mapúa (BArch 1911) – founded the Mapúa Institute of Technology; first Filipino to earn a degree in architecture
- Peter Marino (1971) – designer of boutique stores for luxury brands, and private residences for wealthy individuals
- Richard Meier (BArch 1957, professor) – Pritzker Architecture Prize, AIA Gold Medal winner
- William Henry Miller (BArch 1872) – designed many iconic buildings on Cornell’s Ithaca campus
- Enrique Norten (MArch 1980) – Mexican architect, professor, 2003 World Trade Center Site Memorial Competition jury member
- Nathaniel A. Owings (BArch 1927) – founding partner of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill which popularized the International style after World War II
- Lawrence Perkins (BArch 1930) and Philip Will Jr. (BArch 1928) – founding partners of Perkins and Will, designers of seven buildings on the Engineering Quad[28]
- Emmanuel Pratt (BArch 1999) – MacArthur Fellow (2019)
- Frederick Roehrig (1883 architecture) – early 20th-century architect known for landmark buildings in Pasadena, California, including the Hotel Green
- Richmond Shreve (BArch) – partner of architectural firm Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, which designed the Empire State Building
- Charles Morse Stotz (BArch 1921, master’s degree) – architect, historian, and preservationist of Western Pennsylvania[29]
- Vertner Tandy (MArch) – architect whose most famous commission was probably Villa Lewaro, the mansion of Harlem millionairess Madam C.J. Walker; co-founder of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
- Olive Frances Tjaden (BArch 1925) pioneering woman architect; donor and namesake of Tjaden Hall[30]
- Jan V. White (BArch 1951) – communication designer, educator and writer
- E. Stewart Williams (BArch 1932) – Palm Springs, California-based architect with a distinctive modernist style
- David Williston (B.A. 1898) – first professionally trained African American landscape architect in the United States.[31]
- Helen Binkerd Young (BArch 1900) – architect and lecturer
- Ricardo Zurita (BArch 1984) – architect and designer of urban public projects
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