GAOKAO Exam Syllabus 2023, Gaokao Exam Details 2023, GAOKAO Exam Syllabus In Hindi, GAOKAO Exam Pattern, Math topics, Chemistry, Biology
GAOKAO Exam Syllabus 2023
Students who wish to appear in the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) conducted by Gaokao. For them, the link of Gaokao Exam Exam Syllabus is given in this article. With the help of which students can understand the exam pattern of NCEE. And you can prepare well for the exam even during working time. In this article of our team, Gaokao – Exam Question Paper links of subjects like Mathematics, Physics English Science, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Political Science are given. Students read the article till the end for other information related to their exams.

National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) is conducted for admission in various colleges. All those students who are about to give NCEE are now searching for previous years papers of their exam. For them the link of NCEE Previous Year Solved Test Papers is provided here by our team. By downloading which students can understand the question coming in their exam. And can prepare well for the exam in working time. All of you have been given all the information regarding the syllabus in this post. All of you must read this post completely.
Gaokao Exam Details 2023
Content | Past years Gaokao solved question papers in PDF |
Examination Name | National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) Written Test |
Exam Mode | Computer based test (CBT) mode |
Gaokao Question Paper Format | PDF Exam Paper |
GAOKAO Exam Pattern
पेपर | प्रश्न प्रकार | अंक | समय सीमा |
भूगोल | वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न | 150 | 120 मिनट |
इतिहास | बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न | 100 | 90 मिनट |
गणित | वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न | 150 | 120 मिनट |
विज्ञान | बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न | 100 | 90 मिनट |
सामाजिक अध्ययन | वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न | 150 | 120 मिनट |
अंग्रेजी | मूल्यांकन प्रश्न | 100 | 90 मिनट |
चीनी भाषा | वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न | 150 | 120 मिनट |
विज्ञान कॉमर्स | बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न | 100 | 90 मिनट |
GAOKAO Exam Syllabus 2023
Math topics
- Set and set operations.
- Functions and frequently used elementary functions.
- 3-D Euclidean geometry.
- Planar analytical geometry.
- Basics of algorithms.
- Basics of statistics.
- Basics of probability.
- Trignometric functions and related identities.
- Solving triangles.
- Sequences and sums.
- Elementary inequalities.
- Basics of logic.
- Conic sections and related equations.
- 3-dimensional vectors and their applications to geometry.
- Derivatives and their applications.
- Reasoning and proofs, including math induction.
- Complex numbers and their applications.
- Counting and the binominal theorem.
- Probability distributions and statistic tests.
- Radius coordinate systems and parameter equations. (optional)
- AM-GM inequality and Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. (optional)
- Linear motion.
- Newton Laws.
- Mechanical energy.
- Projectile motion and circular motion.
- Universal gravitation.
- Electrical field, electrical circuit, and magnetic field.
- Electromagnetic induction.
- Alternating current.
- Collision and preservation of momentum.
- Atomic structure.
- Nucleus.
- Wave-particle duality.
- Kinetic theory of molecules and statistic viewpoint. (optional)
- Phases. (optional)
- Thermodynamic laws and preservation of energy. (optional)
- Mechanical vibration and mechanical waves. (optional)
- Electromagnetic vibration and electromagnetic waves. (optional)
- Light. (optional)
- Relativity. (optional)
- Basic methodology of chemistry.
- Fundamental concepts and theories: structure of matter; chemical terms and variables; solution; periodic table; chemical reaction and energy; reaction rate and chemical equilibrium; electrolyte solution.
- Inorganic matters: frequently seen metallic elements (Na, Mg, Al, Fe, Cu, etc.) and their composites ; frequently seen non-metallic elements (H,C, O, N, Si, Cl, S, etc.) and their composites.
- Organic matters: bonds; isomers; frequently seen types of organic reactions; selected organic matters (methane, enthylene, benzene, and many others)
- Experiments.
- The optional part is skipped.
- Cell: molecular composition of cell, cell structure, metabolism, reproduction, diversification, aging, apoptosis.
- Genetics: cellular process; molecular foundation, fundamental laws; mutation; genetic diseases; evoluation.
- Nervous regulation and hormonal regulation.
- Inner environment and related regulation.
- Population and biocoenosis.
- Experiments.
- The optional part is skipped.